Sunday, July 13, 2008

Unrepentant Rebel

Today I seen a young lady that once was very sweet, but now, not so. She is pregnant and lives with her boyfriend or married him what ever. I am not sure her Spiritual state, But it made stop and think.
I now see what my sin, must look to others. I lived with my DH for 3 years before marriage. I married an unsaved man, a nonbeliever. He is now a Christian, but it is not the same. I came back to church wanting to be accepted. Although, I have been forgiven, things are not the same. The shunning, the disapproval and the thought I just rub my sin in everyone's nose and for what is preached and teach.

I pray my actions don't seem to look like that. when I came back, I came back not to parade my sinful lifestyle around, but to disharness the hold that Satan has on me. I am truly sorrowful for the hurt I have caused to many, to all. I am ashamed of my sin, maybe that is why I take it lightly, so I bare it less. But wickedness is still wickedness no matter how you paint it. There is never an excuse to sin. Never!

My fear is that my daughters will do what I done, what this girl done. I can't do anything but blame myself. I have no idea how to even prevent it. All I can do is pray for mercy, and believe God will protect them from such wicked temptation.

I no longer what to be a rebel. I want to be holy, Holy unto the Lord

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