Sunday, July 27, 2008

Moving On

Well in less then a month, we will be here 5 years. We are looking at moving to a different town.That seems to be the theme this summer, the theme to move. Both of my daughters best friends have moved to different states. Their teacher moved, and it seems like a mass exodus. Now we are moving, hopefully.

Our move isn't a great distance, just maybe 2 miles away, 1 mile from Church. We are attempting to buy a house. Praise God the offer was accepted. Now we must go through the hardest part, we must be able to get a loan. Pastor Mallinak preached a message on miracles at the beginning of the summer. As a family we have been praying for God to provide a miracle for us. we don't deserve a miracle. We deserve nothing but hell, but we are praying for a miracle, that miracle would be a home for us.

My family, my husband and daughters really need to see God work. I know He wants to, but I think we forget, often, too often about many of the miracles God has provided. My family needs to see God is
real. My husband needs to see, my daughters and even I. We don't deserve a home. There is nothing we can really do to obtain a home. If it happens it will solely be a miracle of God.

The thing about moving, isn't the hard work per sae, recently serveral families have moved. As I tell my daughters their dear friends are leaving, what do I say? How do I say it? How do I not run down a family decisions to do what is best for their family? When we moved 5 years ago we moved for what was best for our family, in doing so we faced a lot of derision. The pastor threw a fit, banned us from working in the church, lied to us to our soon to be new pastor. We almost was denied access to the Christian school. A little over a year later our former pastor left his wife and quit the ministry.

Now I am not saying this what is going to happen now, with so many people leaving, but I can't be judgemental in thier decsion either. I can't predict the future. I love my church, I love the people here and the staff and I also love the people that have left. I hate change!!!!

I am not sure exactly what the problems are. I do see a huge clique that has formed inside the church, either you are apart of it, or your not. It isn't easy to gain access to the clique. Often it requires someone to be employed by the church. If that isn't the case, then ask yourself, who is your best friend? Who do you hang with? Who is your spouses best friend? Who do they hang with? Who are they all employed by? How often do you associate with someone that has no employment with the church? It isn't to critisize, it is to make people think? Is every staff at Fairhaven Baptist Church right with God? Are they all trying to to do what is right? Are they all real? Was that the case 15-20 years ago when a mass exodus of staff occurred? We know the answer to that. So why assume that making best friends with only fellow coworkers ensures the ultimate biblical friendship? My problem isn't the staff, it is the clique groups that exists among the staff.

I am a better person because of my church, but to be truthful, I am a hurt person due to the rejection I often feel here as well. I have done what I can. I can only be responsible for me, not my husband not anyone else. So why am I rejected? That is why moving on is sometimes needed, sometimes hard.This blog may be hard to digest, denial may be set in. But what is said is truth.

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