Sunday, January 13, 2008


A life so rich and free
from Satan's dark ways.
A life brought home to be
a light to shine bright as day.

This is a life meant for me
The bright star, so gay
allured wickedly to me
The laughter of sin, sought me away.

The life so rich and free,
brought to me by Christ's Blood
Drew dimmer, as I flee
the nail piecred hands of Love.

I stumbled through my sin filled steps.
The mountains high above the laughs
The noise I often heard as I slept.
Was not a giggle but a gasp.

The horrid life in the wasteland
The what if's of impatience
Danced wickedly in the band
I wonder in my stance

I was warned of the what if's
But the joy of now could not wait.
I spit, spat, tit and tat, the tiff
of the world I did not hate.

I followed along the signs and wonder
The mighty cliffs of love and money
What I did find, only some can ponder
It wasn't dreams, and it wasn't sunny

Sadness, alone was the backpack I carried
The worn out climber, was I so weary
One step to the right, I would soon be buried
One step to the left, I was all but leary.

Looking down I seen the wasteland of life
No hope, was I bothered, I had no time
Looking up, was blinding seeing my life
that my soul was spent for the sake of a dime.

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