Saturday, March 22, 2008

Top 5 reasons why I am voting for Hillary.

It is true I am voting for Hillary Clinton for the May primary. I know many men on blog and other weblogs and forums consider me as a women's liber, feminist. Well here is your proof. I am voting for Hillary for the democrat primary in May, and here is why.
1. Republican canidate has already been decided
2. I can't stand Indiana republican govenor. He is as worthless as well, I can't say, some may be offended.
3 There is no republican canidate running against Mitch Daniels. Thus I am left to vote democrat to get rid worthless loser money grubbing big business, trying to make some good connections so I can run for president out of office jerk.
4. O'bama has been racial influenced for over 20 years by sitting under a bigoted racist pastor. That is scary.
5. Hillary has 8 years experince running the white house, I already know my enemy, so hopeful there will not be too many surprizes left. Maybe a divorce from her hubby.
So this is my reasons why I am voting for Hillary in the primary. Now if you think I am wrong tell me why. Tell me your thoughts on the matter. I want to know. I also want all to know if it was for the worthless govenor of Indiana I wouldn't even have to make this decison, but we need to get him out of office. But don't let this female fool you, I definitely will not vote for her this fall, when it really counts.

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