Thursday, June 26, 2008

Grow in Grace

Maybe i am just over analysing this, but I was thinking of a sermon I heard about growing in grace and that being perfectly content in our Christian life. Basically being stagnant is in disobedience to Christ's command to Grow in Grace.

I don't know if this make sense. Maybe because I am typing this late or what. But I am far from happy in my Christian life. I am content, but I do want me. I want to grow in grace, but stupid things happen and I forget. I make plans to go soulwinning, but then something comes up and I forget. Something like a doctor's appointment, an errand I need to run for Brad or something like that.
Then I also would love to serve in my church. I am sure the staff totally thinks of me as one big slacker. All talk no action. But the truth is, what can I do and be consistent at it. I work every third weedend, so I miss church at least 1 0r 2 Sunday's a month. I could work Sunday School, but then again, that sometimes the only spiritual food I get for 4 days. unless, you count sermons on CD. Nursing home is out. I tried that, but working Late on Friday and not getting to bed until almost 4 many nights makes it really difficult to be at the nursing home at 9 am.

I just really do feel useless in my Christian life, and that I don't know what to do about it.

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