Thursday, April 24, 2008


My Nephew Mark is 20 years old. He was diagnosised with2 brain tumors at the age of 17. In November he had his second Stem cell transplant. They used his own stem cells. Nine days ago he collapsed at home. He was airlifted to the pediatric hospital I work at. He is intubated (on a ventialtor) they took him off, then had to put him back on. He is not doing well at all. He isn't saved. I am scheduled to go sword shopping with him. When gathers up some strength and no longer neutropenic (means he is unable to fight infection). It will be good alone time for us and I can witness to him. But riht now he is really sick, very critical, and could die. I am very scared my nephew will die, but even scaredier that he will go to Hell. Please pray for him

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