Saturday, March 29, 2008

Morality, why does it matter?

I have been thinking about this on my way too work. I heard about Chelsea Clinton response to a young reporter when question about her mom response to her father's affair with Monica. She said it wasn't the repoters business. Well is it? Or is it not. Does morality really matter? Does in matter in our everyday lives, does it matter in others? Is it something to be concerned of in the white house?

As much as I believe that the private lives of individuals should be sacred, I also believe that morality is a key component to every aspect of life, even in the politicians we choose to lead us. Morality is important. We need it to survive as a republic. Yes, that is what the US is, a republic. Without morality, we will be left with a chaotic state.

Morality keeps us in check. It keeps us focus on what is right and wrong. And making appropiate decsions. All can be moral, but not all can be righteous. Today, I as reading in Matthew about the servant that owed 10,000 talents to his master. He begged for mercy, and was given it. The master was moral, just in his treatment, but that same servant was immoral in the 100 pence owed him, taking the debtor by the throat. He had no morality in him.

The same when morality was ignored in the 1930's and 40's by the Germans. Although Hitler disliked the Jews, the treatment was far from moral. It was horrific. The same with the Kmer Rouge, in Cambodia. Morality was ignored and death, murder was perpetrated.

Now how can that relate to morality in the White House? If are leaders choose to ignore the fultility of pracicing morality, then, all will end in total chaos. Death by the most cruel attempts will be glorified. Life will be of no concern to any, to all. We will be mere drones.

Morality is important in every aspect of our life.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


I wanted to share 2 conversations I had with my daughters.

The first one took place 3 weeks ago. We got rid of our computer. Rachel asked why? Mommy "We need to spend more time with you. Didn't you felt left out when me and dad was on the computer so much?" Rachel and Sami "NO".

Second conversation that took place Thursday. Mommy " are you glad we don't have a computer at home" The subject of WiFi was brought up and what was it? Rachel and Sami " YES!!!"

Computer did make a difference in our home life. 1 month down and we survived not having a computer at home. What a blessing

Top 5 reasons why I am voting for Hillary.

It is true I am voting for Hillary Clinton for the May primary. I know many men on blog and other weblogs and forums consider me as a women's liber, feminist. Well here is your proof. I am voting for Hillary for the democrat primary in May, and here is why.
1. Republican canidate has already been decided
2. I can't stand Indiana republican govenor. He is as worthless as well, I can't say, some may be offended.
3 There is no republican canidate running against Mitch Daniels. Thus I am left to vote democrat to get rid worthless loser money grubbing big business, trying to make some good connections so I can run for president out of office jerk.
4. O'bama has been racial influenced for over 20 years by sitting under a bigoted racist pastor. That is scary.
5. Hillary has 8 years experince running the white house, I already know my enemy, so hopeful there will not be too many surprizes left. Maybe a divorce from her hubby.
So this is my reasons why I am voting for Hillary in the primary. Now if you think I am wrong tell me why. Tell me your thoughts on the matter. I want to know. I also want all to know if it was for the worthless govenor of Indiana I wouldn't even have to make this decison, but we need to get him out of office. But don't let this female fool you, I definitely will not vote for her this fall, when it really counts.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Discussion on Religion

I do work with many Roman Catholics. They were asking me about my religion. I had said I don't dance, they asked me why. I explained that it was worldy (a term they don't understand) and about jarring the point sex appeal. They think wearing a skirt is sexier then dancing.

I also explained the biggest difference in the Roman Catholic religion and Baptist is their view on Salvation. They didn't even know what the Roman Catholics teach on Salvation.

I knew more about the Catholic Religion then these 3 staunch Catholics. They had no knowledge of what they believe or why. They just do it because they we raised that way.

I am so blessed to be in a church, a religion that teaches their members the Bible and what God says.

Ignorance isn't bliss, it is just ignorant

Devotions>>>> Job

I will be the first to admit, Job is a very hard book for me to read and understand. This time around, I really feel I am understanding the discourse taking place.

Job had a tragic thing happen to him, many. His so called godly friends come to him and try to get him to repent, admit he was wrong, he was wicked and he is full of sin. The problem arises because that is not the case. Job is a righteous man. He can't even repent, because he did no wrong to be judged.

I can sympathize with Job. Not that I am righteous. I am not, by any means. But I am trying. I am giving my life over to God. I am trying to surrender. Bad things still continue to happen, and instead of friends comforting me, they point their fingers and blame all the wicked sin in my life. I am told I don't pray enough or I am not having good solid devotions. I don't have and trust God. I am letting my family go what ever. All those accusations are false. I still can't seem to get ahead.

What I have came to realize in the last six months, is that people. My pastor, the staff, friends don't know my heart. They don't know my intent, my purpose. So they in reality can only speculate. My father knows my heart and my soul. I can't be responsible for anyone elses spirituality but my own. Yes, I do guide my children and pray for them. But in the end, they will have to determine if what they believe is fact or feeling. Something that Mrs. Brandenburg said really has stook out. That is that every person, ourselves and our daughters will have to come to the point in their life if the Bible is the Word or God, or not. I came to that point, but I can't make the decsion for my husband or daughters. They will have to do it themselves.

I still have no computer, but I will go to the library or blog from work. It will be infrequent, but it is what God wants.